Monday, October 12, 2009

Update :)

I figured that it is about time for an update. There have been a lot of things going on over the past few weeks and I feel bad becasue I havn't wrote about any of it so, I am going to try my best to catch you up. The last time I wrote I was nervous about my next doctors appointment and looking forward to our first birthing class. Since then I have had two doctors appointments. The first one I gained no weight!!! I was so excited because as many of you know my doctors have really stressed me out about my weight gain. Well the excitement was short lived because at my next doctors appointment which was last week I gained five :(. However, the doctor said that my ankles were swollen and my stumach was feeling really icky and bloated so that could have contributed to a lot of it. He told me to watch my sodium intake and drink a little more water (as if eight glasses a day wasn't enough already) and see if that helps with the swelling.

We are now finished with all of our birthing classes and to be honest I did not really learn a lot (because I have already done a lot of reading about the subject) which was a little disappointing but Andrew did so that I believe was worth it. The first class we went over the types of things that we may have been feeling, the signs of pre-term labor, and went over some relaxation and breathing techniques. The second class, we watched a movie about what happens during birth and our instructor showed us some different things we should pack for the hospital, and discussed some things that may need to be used during labor such as a vaccuum extractor or forceps. The third class we watched a video on c-sections and discussed the reasons for c-sections such as the baby being breech or what not. My favorite part was the tour of the hospital. I am very much a visual person and it helps me to see how things are going to work when Everett finally decides to make his debute. We started with where you would go in and went to the check-in where the nurses will observe me and decide whether I can stay or not. After that we went into one of the delivery rooms and she showed us a lot of the equiptment that was going to be used. After that we went and looked at the nursery (sweet babies!!) and went to a post-delievery room. Finally she showed us the OR and some of the neonatal units just in case. It really made me feel a lot better to see everything and know how it was going to work.

Another things that has recently happened is I had my first baby shower!!!! It was in Macon at my house given by four of the greatest friends a girl could ask for! Here is a picture of the four of us

There were a bunch of people there and we ate some yummy food and played some funny games. They measured my belly and had people estimate my size. It was really interesting how big people really thought I was to say the least! Here is a picture of the super cute cupcakes Becca and Jamie made (they are whales!!)
I also got some really great stuff for Everett! He got a lot of clothes (my boy is going to be very well dressed!), a boppy, a sleeper to put in his crib, and a bath seat. And that is only some of it! Thanks for the wonderful shower guys! Here is a picture of me and my prego firend Jen looking huge at the shower :)
Finally, Andrew and I went and had a 3D/4D ultrasound done. I was getting so cuious/nervous about what Everett was going to look like so I said why not? My little boy proved himself to be quite stubborn! First of all at my previous doctor's appointment the doctor said Everett was head's down. Well on Satuday Everett was breech with his head up :(. But it is ok because he still has time to turn. He also had not only his hands infront of his face but his feet too and was refusing to move them! The girl spent probably a good fifteen to twenty minutes trying to get him to move and finally he did! We got some really good pictures of him! He smiled for us a few times, opened his eyes, and yawned. He also apprears to have my nose and my lips. However, I have been told he has Andrew's smile! Here is a couple pictures of him

Well that is all for now!! I will try to post again soon!

Saturday, September 19, 2009


So I am trying to be better about posting on here it has just become a little difficult with school and everything. I have been so tired!!! Anyway, This week I believe it was on Monday I was laying down on the couch (which is my usual spot since I have gotten pregnant) and I had my hand on my belly and all of a sudden I felt something pointy rub back and forth against my fingers!!! I believe it was a little baby heel..It was soooooo cool! Since then he has been doing it even more. Sometimes it is hard to tell what exactly it is because I am not sure where he is at I am sure that most of it though is either his legs or his bottom. This morning Andrew got to feel it too! This time I am pretty sure it was his bottom because while he was doing it I could feel him pushing up on my stomach and the area where he was pushing up was a little too big to be anything other than a bottom. So as you can see I am really enjoying this new development in my pregnancy! I have not been able to actually see it because I am laying down most of the time and it is getting harder and harder to see over my belly but I am sure I will get to see it soon.

In other news, Andrew and I have our first child birthing class on Monday! I am really excited and nervous all at the same time because I am not exactly sure what to expect I know they will be showing us a video of a birth and I am interested to see how Andrew reacts to it. I also have my first every two week doctor's appointment on Tuesday so this is going to be a bust week! Please say a little prayer for me that it goes well! I have been really stressed about my weight because I am gaining more than I am suppose to even with me eating healthy and exercising :(. So every time I go in I have to explain myself to the doctors and I am getting kind of tired of it. So I am not expecting a miracle this time when it comes to my weight gain this time but a little bit of a slow down would be nice!! But I guess I will have to wait and see. Anyway, just be thinking about me on Tuesday around 4:00!!!

Sunday, September 13, 2009

Nursery Progress

We have been working really hard to get the nursery ready for Everett's arrival in December. We still have A LOT more work to do but I am starting to feel good about what we have done. We have gotten the crib put together, the room painted, and today I cleaned out the closet, put the diapers I have bought so far up, put the things we do not need quite yet in the attic, put the mobile up in the crib, and Andrew got the valences hung on the windows! Oh and we also ordered and put together the rocking chair for the room! Here is a few pictures

Well that is it for now! Here is a new picture of my belly progress. Andrew took it for me tonight. I am getting quite large :)

Monday, August 24, 2009

Time Flies!

Wow I have not been good about updating here lately! I recently started back to school (I am a first grade teacher for those of you who do not know). I have been having a hard time dealing with being pregnant and with teaching. I remember always being tired at the beginning of the year but I am just so tired now and it is not just at the end of the day it is throughout the day. I find myself having to take breaks and sit down rather being up getting things done like I really want to be doing. I am also not as independent as I am use to being which is a little hard for me to deal with cause I am stubborn and I want to do it myself. Things like not being able to bend over and pick things up or tie my kids students shoes which are things you don't really think about until you can't do them anymore.

Everett has been moving a lot more here lately. He was starting to worry me because he only seemed to move around nine or ten at night when I was laying down. But, now it seems like every time I sit down for a few minutes he starts moving. I am loving feeling and seeing him move in my belly and so is Andrew. The other day I read online that you should be able to hear his heartbeat around this time through my stomach so Andrew and I decided to try it out. We laid there for awhile so Andrew could listen (mainly because Everett kept kicking Andrew in the head!!) but after some time Andrew was able to hear it! He said it was faint and you had to listen for it but you could really hear it. I was so excited to know that Andrew had something that he could do with Everett that I can't (since I get to experience so much).

My belly just seems to be getting bigger and bigger which I am ok with because that means I am closer to meeting our little boy. Andrew pointed out to me that we have 3 months left or 15 weeks as some might say and I just could not believe it. It seems like yesterday we found out we were expecting our little bundle. I cannot wait to start getting all of the baby stuff we need and getting his nursery all finished. But, for right now I am just enjoying the time that I get to spend with him all to myself and the planning. Cause pretty soon he will not be all mine anymore!

Talk to you soon!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Painting the nursey

Andrew and I decided to paint the nursery this weekend! I was really excited to get started. Of course, Andrew had to research everything about painting before we even got started (for those of you who know my husband, you know this is something he does A LOT!). Once he decided that he knew everything there was to know about painting we went to Lowe's and picked up our painting supplies. An hour and a half later we finally got home and were able to get started!
Here is a picture of the room before we started
Andrew, having researched how to paint rooms decided we needed to clean the room before hand which meant wiping down all of the walls with soap and water. Which I normally wouldn't mind but it is a whole other story when you are pregnant! We finally got done cleaning and taped off the room with painters' tape then went straight to the primer (due to the walls being so dark). By the time we finished that I was pooped. Luckily Becca showed up and was able to take up the slack (thanks Becca!). After the primer dried we went on to paint the room. It turned out really well and we only had to go over the top of the room the next day and where we had peeled some of the painters' tape off. Today we went back with a razor blade and peeled off the tape at the very top. I think it looks really good if I do say so myself! But I could be a little partial. Here are some more pictures of us painting the room and the finished product.

Oh and here is a new belly picture of me from this week. I do have to say thought I am just getting bigger and bigger!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

20 week doctors appointment!

Seeing as how my appointment was a week ago I thought that I probably should post and let everyone know how it went. My friend Becca went to the doctor with me because Andrew was not able to come and I did not feel like getting that "awww your here for your sonogram by yourself" face. I expected this appointment to take about the same time as the rest of my appointments but it was honestly right up there with my four hour first appointment there. We wound up being there for a little over two hours and boy were we hungry! They brought us back for the sonogram and she asked me if I already know the sex of the baby and I told her yes. It was funny because it seems like as soon as she put the sonogram thingy on my tummy she said "oh yeah he is definitely a boy" which I thought was really funny! As the sonogram continued Everett seemed to be sleeping. Most people drink some caffine before going in but we didn't have any in the house so she had to spend a little time trying to wake him up. Becca and I were laughing and joking about how he was already exhibiting the personality of his father because he would either turn the other way when she was trying to get his measurements or cover his face with his hands. He was being just a little bit stubborn! :) When the ultrasound tech got finished with her measurements she said that Everett was 10 ounces but he was not measuring 20 weeks quite yet. Here are some pics from the ultrasound!
After we got done with the ultrasound they weighed me and took my bloos pressure and then sent me to wait for the mid wife with Becca. About 10 minutes later they called us back to the room and there we sat for probably about 40 minutes. She finally came in and began to explain to us what it is that she does in the delivery room and what it means to be a mid wife. After that we discussed how I was considering not having an epidural. Any time you discuss with someone about not having an epidural they look at you like you are completely crazy. But, the truth is I am terrified of having a needle stuck in my back for the duration of my labor and I am also freaked out that some people complain about their backs hurting years after having an epidural. But here is the thing. I know that I can sometimes be a whimp so I am not sure if I am going to go fully natural but I am going to give it a try. As of right now I am thinking that I will go as far as I can and then if the pain is too much I will take some from of narcotics rather than having an epidural. Anyway, that is all for now! I am going to register with my mom this weekend! I am really excited about it!

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Picking out paint colors!

On Saturday Andrew and I went out to try and find a dresser for Everett's room and to look at paint colors. I have looked all over the place for a dresser on the Internet including and have had no luck! Either I was going to have to buy a dresser that was cheep and refinish it (or should I say Andrew refinish it) or buy a dresser that is $400 and still have to refinish it! I was starting to get a little frustrated. So we decided to try our luck at the stores in Macon. We went to Rooms to go found nothing there, then we went to Burlington Coat Factory (we had heard from someone that they had a lot of furniture) we found some nice pieces but again they were $400 and we were going to have to refinish it, finally we went to a place called the Macon Transfer Company. The Macon Transfer Company apparently started many years ago when trains would drop off their unneeded items there and so they began selling it. This place was super cool! They had anything from antiques to toys to regular furniture and at a great price! Andrew and I looked around and finally ran across the dresser! The colors are not exact but they are really close, the dresser looks really nice, and it was only $200!!! I may put new knobs on but I haven't decided yet. Here is a picture
After we were done we went to Lowes to look at paint colors. We found a bunch of different yellows that may work so I took home some samples to compare to the wall decorations we have to pick out the perfect one. I asked some opinions from others about which one they liked more and we eventually wound up choosing "pecan cream"
Everett has been kicking a lot this week. I try to bother him to make him do it when I want but he seems to be a little stubborn and will only do it every once in awhile. Andrew hasn't felt him move yet but I am hoping it will not be much longer. I know he can't wait! The other night he was kicking so hard I thought he was going to hit a nerve or something! Our twenty week appointment is on Friday! I cannot wait cause that means I get to see my little boy again and see how much he has grown! I will let you know how it goes. I realized I haven't posted a belly pick in awhile so here is a new one for you! I am definitely starting to get a bit of a bump!